SCCD Governing Board


The SCC Governing Board meeting will be accepting public comments on agenda items prior to the start of each Board meeting. Please e-mail: to submit your questions and/or comments.

Please note that the Governing Board meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. A Board Study Session will take place the first Wednesday of each month, and a Regular Board Meeting will take place the third Wednesday of each month. The specific calendar of meeting dates is listed below. All meetings, with the exception of Closed Sessions, are open to public participation. Minutes of previous meetings and current agendas are available below and from the Superintendent-President’s Office.

If you are having trouble opening the new Agenda Attachments, please contact the Superintendent/President’s Office at (707) 864-7112.

Calendar of Board Meetings for 2025

Agendas | Minutes | Attachments

Meeting Date
Live Stream
March 19
March 5
February 19
February 5
January 15
December 18
December 4
November 20
November 6
October 16
October 8

Agenda 10/08/24

Special Meeting

October 2
September 18
September 4
August 21
August 7
July 17
June 5
May 15
May 1
April 17
April 11

Agenda 04/11/24

Special Meeting

Minutes 04/11/24

Special Meeting

April 3
March 20
March 6
February 21
February 7
January 17

Please note: Preparation dates are subject to change.

Prior Years (2004 – 2023)

Agendas | Minutes | Attachments

Meeting Date
Live Stream
January 17
December 20
December 6
November 15
November 1
October 18
October 4
September 20
September 6
August 16
August 2
July 19
June 21
June 14
June 7
May 17
May 3
April 19
April 5
March 15
March 1
February 15
February 1
January 18

Please note: Preparation dates are subject to change.

Prior Years (2004 – 2023)

Agendas | Minutes | Attachments

Meeting Date




February 1

Agenda 02/01/23

                Attachments 02/01/23

January 18

Agenda 01/18/23

                Attachments 01/18/23

December 21

Agenda 12/21/22

                                Minutes 12/21/22                 Attachments 12/21/22

December 7

Agenda 12/07/22

                                Minutes 12/07/22                 Attachments 12/07/22

November 16

Agenda 11/16/22

                                Minutes 11/16/22                 Attachments 11/16/22

November 9

Special Meeting

Agenda 11/09/22

                                Minutes 11/09/22

November 2

Agenda 11/02/22

                                Minutes 11/02/22                 Attachments 11/02/22

October 19

Agenda 10/19/22

Minutes 10/19/22

Live Stream

Attachments 10/19/22

October 5

Agenda 10/05/22

Minutes 10/05/22

Live Stream

Attachments 10/05/22

September 21

Agenda 09/21/22

Minutes 09/21/22

Live Stream

Attachments 09/21/22

September 7

Agenda 09/07/22

Minutes 09/07/22

Live Stream

Attachments 09/07/22

August 17

Agenda 08/17/22

Minutes 08/17/22

Live Stream

Attachments 08/17/22

August 03

Agenda 08/03/22

Minutes 08/03/22

Live Stream

Attachments 08/03/22

July 20

Agenda 07/20/22

Minutes 07/20/22

Live Stream

Attachments 07/20/22

July 13 Special Meeting

Agenda 07/13/22

                                Minutes 07/13/22

Attachments 07/13/22

June 29 Special Meeting

Agenda 06/29/22

Live Stream

June 15

Agenda 06/15/22

                               Minutes 06/15/22

Attachments 06/15/22

June 1

Agenda 06/01/22

Minutes 06/01/22 

Attachments 06/01/22

May 18

Agenda 05/18/22

Minutes 05/18/22 

Attachments 05/18/22

May 4

Agenda 05/04/22

Minutes 05/04/22

Video 05/04/22

Attachments 05/04/22

April 20

Agenda 04/20/22

Minutes 04/20/22

Video 04/20/22

Attachments 04/20/22

April 6

Agenda 04/06/22

Minutes 04/06/22

Attachments 04/06/22

March 16

Agenda 03/16/22

Minutes 03/16/22

Attachments 03/16/22

March 2

Agenda 03/02/22

Minutes 03/02/22

Attachments 03/02/22

February 16

Agenda 02/16/22

Minutes 02/16/22

Attachments 02/16/22

February 2

Agenda 02/02/22

Minutes 02/02/22

Attachments 02/02/22

January 19

Agenda 01/19/22

Minutes 01/19/22

Attachments 01/19/22

January 12

Special Meeting

Agenda 01/12/22

Minutes 01/12/22

Attachments 01/12/22

Please note: Preparation dates are subject to change.

Prior Years (2002 – 2021)

Meeting DateAgendaMinutesAttachments
December 1Agenda 12/01/21 12/01/21
November 17Agenda 11/17/21 11/17/21
November 3Agenda 11/03/21Minutes 11/03/21
Attachments 11/03/21
October 20Agenda 10/20/21Minutes 10/20/21
Attachments 10/20/21
October 6Agenda 10/06/21Minutes 10/06/21
Attachments 10/06/21
September 15Agenda 09/15/21Minutes 09/15/21
Attachments 09/15/21
September 1Agenda 09/01/21Minutes 09/01/21
Attachments 09/01/21
August 18Agenda 08/18/21Minutes 08/18/21
Attachments 08/18/21
August 4Agenda 08/04/21Minutes 08/04/21Attachments 08/04/21
July 21Agenda 07/21/21Minutes 07/21/21
Attachments 07/21/21
June 16Agenda 06/16/21Minutes 06/16/21
Attachments 06/16/21
June 2Agenda 06/02/21Minutes 06/02/21
Attachments 06/02/21
May 19Agenda 05/19/21Minutes 05/19/21
Attachments 05/19/21
May 5Agenda 05/05/21Minutes 05/05/21
Attachments 05/05/21
April 21Agenda 04/21/21Minutes 04/21/21
Attachments 04/21/21
April 7Agenda 04/07/21Minutes 04/07/21
Attachments 04/07/21
March 17Agenda 03/17/21Minutes 03/17/21
Attachments 03/17/21
March 3Agenda 03/03/21Minutes 03/03/21
Attachments 03/03/21
February 17Agenda 02/17/21Minutes 02/17/21
Attachments 02/17/21
February 3Agenda 02/03/21Minutes 02/03/21
Attachments 02/03/21
January 20Agenda 01/20/21Minutes 01/20/21
Attachments 01/20/21

Please note: Preparation dates are subject to change.

Prior Years (2002 – 2021)

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